Mortal Kombat 2 Elapse- The lost link 8 restored

Could the new Mortal Kombat 2 be a continuation of the MK8 lapse? In a saga where a preventive mechanism could have acted during intervals 7 and 9, preserved in a form of backup for later restoration of the same original parameters? 

As the guardian of the wisdom of time, Kronika, the deposed titan would have acted at some point prior to the events of Mortal Kombat VIIII. Using her extra-physical gifts, the guardian broke through a fraction of reality, "jumping" a space in time to prevent this fraction from being lived, experienced, and thus unable to be revised without the need for a historical "erasure" of the events, as had been done by the god of fire Liu Kang. This removed "piece" of time and existence is known as the MK8 event vacuum, a link removed from reality to be preserved as a backup to the original reality where Kronika remains alive and continuous as the ruler of time and events. 


Once the order of time has been restarted, this prevention mechanism is automatically triggered as a way of preventing alienation from reality, such as the cases of multiple timeline realities created in the context of MK1 after.
This turnaround, called the "point of restoration of the times", deposits the reality of the events after MK7 Armageddon and intends to continue from this reality. However, remnants of the unfolding of all the other alternatives tirelessly used by the titan gods alter the known parameters on some level.

In this new reality there are new formulations, parameters, rules and logics set as discerned standards.
Warriors can now fire fatalities freely during combat (rounds), physical distortions such as muscular and motor capacity are respected to the extreme (less physical weight will mean less impact power and certainly a greater propensity to suffer more damage, however, they will also be more difficult to corner), new exceptional abilities and unique to each character their unique power (e.g, fighters with air powers will be able to prevent themselves from falling to the ground), the defense system, previously activated by buttons, now follows the automatic model, by directional pads (greatly favoring the adrenaline rush of being attacked from the opposite side, from behind), and countless other modifications following the perceived logic of the truly original reality of physical and temporal natures.
This will be MK2 Elapse, elo 8 restored!

For those concerned about the balance of the game, don't worry, all the players are capable of taking on any opponent and even the weakest players will be able to make use of the greater slowness of the strongest and heaviest players, as well as having their own unique abilities (we've made a point of making each player as distinct as possible and avoiding similarities as much as possible).

A sequel episode is in the works, which will feature other major players, such as the fallen god in his full form and other highlights of the game, including hidden characters (available to be picked up only by selecting the roulette wheel).

Curso de Desenho Método Fanart 3.0 criando seus próprios animes.
If you're wondering how challenging it would be to add fatalities during fights, and how unfair and oppressive this would be to the likelihood of fun combat, don't get upset. Preventive mechanisms to avoid pettiness have been considered. By making use of the ability to perform fatalities, the same fighters will be subject to losing some of their vitality, which makes the mechanism even more interesting. The possibility of suffering a fatality at any moment makes the game more exciting, electrifying, threatening and frightening. 

-And please, the game is free, but consider giving something back to the project if it has motivated you to play ;)



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